Belvoir Lodge Dog Fun Day
Saturday 14 September 2013
Belvoir Lodge, Grantham, NG32 1PA
Show opens 10:00am
Fun dog show - junior handler- breed classes- dancing dogs- hog roast - licensed bar
Could you be this years best in show? |

Entry to the event is five pounds and includes entry to any three classes in the show.
Fun Dog Show
Championship Judge: George Kennedy
Open 10:00 am. Judging Starts at 11:30 am. Finish 4:00pm. Lunch 12:30 – 1:30
10:30 am Dancing Dog Display Team Demonstration
Open Fun classes (From 11:30 am approximately once breed judging is completed)
1. Most handsome dog
2. Prettiest bitch
3. Cutest small dog
4. Gentle Giants
5. Best rescue
6. Best veteran
7. Best condition
8. Best Crossbreed
9. Dog most like its owner
10. Best Pair
11. Waggiest tail
12. Most appealing eyes
13. Dog the judge would most like to take home
14. Best 6 legs
15. Best yearling (1-2 years old)
16. Fancy dress
17. Best catcher
18. Fastest sit
Judge: Mrs Sandra Williamson
Open 10:00 am. Judging Starts at 10:30 am
Breed classes
1. AV Puppy
2. AV Sporting
3. AV Non sporting
4. AV Open
5. Best Junior Handler (Under 12)
6. Best Junior Handler (Under 18)
Heelwork To Music (HTM) and Freestyle classes
1. Best story telling
2. Best Film
3. Best West End Show
4. Best Golden Oldie
5. Best Modern
6. Best Romantic
Junior Classes (Under 16) (From 3:00 pm approximately.)
1. Best Sit
2. Best walk to Heel
3. Best Trick
4. Best Recall
5. Best junior handler
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